Why invest time and money developing your own system when QDP has already done all the work for you?
Save Time, Money and Energy
QDP has been developed and refined over almost a decade. We conduct market research, consult legal counsel, hire PR experts, copywriters and designers and solicit patient, dentist and staff feedback on an ongoing basis. As a member, you can skip the hassle and expense – and keep your focus on patient care.
No Trial and Error
We’ve worked out all the details so your membership plan runs smoothly from day one. QDP is field tested in practices across the country, saving you and your staff the frustration of going back to the drawing board.
Professional Marketing
One of the biggest benefits of QDP is our suite of customizable marketing materials. We even provide public relations and marketing support to help you promote Quality Dental Plan to your patients, and the community at large, at no extra cost to you.
Unlimited Support
Don’t tear your hair out trying to figure out every detail on your own. QDP offers live training, helpful tips, best practices and an easy to follow Implementation Guide, including helpful Checklists. You can call our Member Support team anytime with any questions you may have. And you’ll learn from other members’ experiences rather than starting from scratch and going it on your own.
Start Right Now
It could take years to develop and perfect a brand new in-house dental practice savings plan. But with QDP, you can start immediately and see results – like more new patients and increased case acceptance – right away. It’s a truly turnkey solution that you can integrate into your practice today.